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Wired or Wireless? Some things to think about.

26 August 2019

IT Engineer buried under a pile of messy network cabling.

Whatever communication route you decide to go down you have to know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both wired and wireless systems. A complex web of wires coming out of red hot servers may not seem the best way to do things nowadays but for certain purposes it cannot be beaten. Whether it is due to the materials the building is made of, the sheer distance between communication points within the building or the need for speed that most of us attention span deficient computer bods have, wired might still be the best route for you to go down.

The Wired or Wireless Argument…

Advantages of wireless

  • A total freedom for employees to use their handheld devices within the area of the wireless network.
  • A freedom to share information with other devices connected to the network without having to find a point to plug into.
  • Installation. There is not as much work in regards to installation costs and labour. With fewer cables needing to be routed you save time on materials and physical installation costs. It is also future proof in regards to adding additional devices to the network.
  • In general, wireless networks can handle more connected devices because they do not rely on people having to plug in to physical ports.
  • Having the option to offer your clients and customers access to your network can benefit your business.
  • On the go updates. Being able to upload photos, voice-notes and other media in the most time-efficient manner. There is no need to find a point to plug into.

Disadvantages of wireless

  • There can be initial setup costs for new hardware and implementation. These can all be offset using our buy-back options.
  • Implementing new network hardware and software can sometimes involve retraining staff on how to use it all although most devices now have their own built in wireless options.
  • Network transfer speeds can be slower than a wired connection but technology is improving quickly so this might not be an issue a bit further down the line
  • The further you are from access points the slower and more unstable the connection can be. Equipment HQ gets round these issues by installing routers at critical points throughout the building
  • Wireless networks have less security than wired ones. These issues are always being countered though by increasing the way wireless networks are set up

There are hundreds more points to cover in this topic but without bogging you down with information they are hard to cover. If you are looking to improve your existing network or you need a completely new network installation then your best bet is to give us a call and let us get some more information off of you to provide you with the best options.